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I bought three bags a few years ago and they are still going strong. I bought a few more this time as a gift. I am so impressed with the quality.
These are everything I could want in shopping bags. I bought 6 because I rarely buy more groceries than that in a run. They are sturdy, aesthetically pleasing, easy to fold down and store, and actually hold more than paper grocery sacks. Thank you so much, I love them.
Prefer the totes more, but these bags are great for taller grocery items! Never worry about your bags ripping, falling apart, or unable to handle heavy loads again. We even use them for camping! Purchased 2 totes and 2 grocery bags! Haven't forgotten them once when shopping 😀 A bag that stays upright and open when loading too! Try won't regret it!
The bags are so user friendly, sturdy, and just the right size. Thank you!
This bag is beautiful! Well made, sturdy, and the perfect size in depth and width. The waxing, however, smells rancid. I washed it before using it and that helped take care of the odor. Wish you had a bag without the waxing. I will purchase more though. It is made to last forever!!! Well worth it !!!